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We don't include just anything on this website.
How do we choose?

1. We only include content that's backed up by expert and credible sources.


This means:      

For our 'impacts' section:

  • Peer-reviewed research in academic journals; or

  • Reports published by independent research institutions, governments, industry, international and other organisations, where they are authored by experts in the field. Expertise is demonstrated by [...]

(this is under development - there may be more specific ones for each discipline/area)

Expert knowledge gives us the best information that we have at any point in time. As a default, then, we accept information from the above sources if they fall within the website's scope, unless any of the following apply:

  • conflict of interest, e.g. financial

  • factual inaccuracies that affect the conclusions

  • incorrect or unreasonable analysis or interpretation of evidence (as judged by experts in the relevant field)

Content will be updated as new research and information emerges. All updates will be recorded in our updates log


We also recognise that legitimate debate (that is, differences of view between multiple credible and evidence-based sources) is normal and important. We'll note this where it exists.   

2. Our focus is on 'gateway' knowledge

There's an overwhelming amount of information out there that meets that criteria, and it's easy to get lost in it.


So this website is focused on 'gateway' information. That is, it focuses on information that: 

  • when gathered together, builds a more well-rounded picture of climate change than the fragmented pieces the public generally gets; and

  • helps to bridge the knowledge gap between experts and non-experts.

This means prioritising breadth over depth, and for the 'impacts' section featuring information that's relatable to people's daily lives, within the categories set out there. is not intended to be a comprehensive source of all expert knowledge on climate change, which is extensive. Rather, this website merely provides a gateway to the issue, by making trusted information easier to find.

We encourage you to ask questions and to go beyond this website to explore the more in-depth resources referenced here. 

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