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What are cities doing about climate change?

These websites give an overview:

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The NAZCA* Global Climate Action portal invites cities, companies, investors, and regions (i.e. non-state actors) to display the actions they're taking to address climate change.
There's a specific section on cities, which shows the commitments submitted for cities. The portal doesn't currently track progress on commitments, but this is in the works.
This NAZCA portal is hosted by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It's updated annually, prior to or during the annual United Nations Climate Change Conferences (the Conferences of the Parties), where States Parties to the UNFCCC review progress on climate change commitments. 

* NAZCA = Non-state Actor Zone for Climate Action


Camda's Mission 2020 Tracker gives a snapshot of climate-related pledges that countries, cities and businesses have made.

Its section on cities tracks city-level initiatives and examples of city progress.
This data collection is the work of a community of data and analytical experts, co-convened by the Camda secretariat and ClimateWorks Foundation. It's overseen by the Global Climate Action portal team at UN Climate Change and has contributions from The Climate Group as well as Galvanizing the Groundswell of Climate Actions

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